Council Meeting Agenda

Time: 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Date: October 6, 2021

Location: Zoom

Council for Youths with Chronic Conditions
October 6, 2021
Zoom meeting 5:30-7:30pm


  1. Announcements (Karen Livernois)
    1. Council Administrator / Chair transition
  2. Secretary Report – Meeting Minutes from August 4, 2021 (Kristin Bonny) 
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Tim Guidish) 
  4. Membership (Audrey Gerkin) 
    1. Potential New Members
      1. Nicole Parker, PIH Family Council
      2. Kate Bailey, NE Epilepsy 
    2. Voting on new members
    3. Membership update / any terms ending
  5. Needs Assessment (Sylvia Pelletier) 


      6.Title V services update (Deirdre Dunn-DHHS)


      7. Website Update (Audrey Gerkin)

    1. RFP for developer 
    2. Potential companies

                            -Ronilagin (out of PA)
                            -First Tracks (based in Concord, did DDC’s website
       8. Annual Report

       9. COVID and Return to School health policies (Continued)

    1. NH DHHS hosts a weekly Childcare and Educational Institution Partner Call every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month.  All our childcare and educational partners are invited to attend. This includes childcare staff, school nurses, administrators and staff:
        • 1st and 3rd WEDNESDAY of the MONTH at 3:30-4:30pm
        • Audrey report on meeting. 


       10. Elections:

    1. Elections will be held in January date TBD
    2. Please notify E. C. If interested in running for a position
    3. Positions available:

Upcoming CYCC meetings:  

December 1 2021 5:30-7:30pm (Annual Report Due)

Jan TBA- Annual Meeting
