Council Meeting Agenda

Time: 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Date: March 16, 2022

Location: Zoom

Council for Youths with Chronic Conditions
March 16, 2022
Zoom Meeting 5:30-7:30pm


  1. Introductions
  2. Secretary Report – Meeting Minutes (Kristin)
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Tim Guidish)
    1. Parent Stipend Forms
    2. Wright’s Law conference 2022 (3/31, $195)
  4. Membership
    1. Sen Sherman meeting
  5. Good news updates
    1. NH Leadership Series Presentation
    2. Shared photos of Geoff Taylor with Upper Valley Educators Institute (Annual Newsletter)
  6. Agency Reports
    1. DHHS/Title V
    2. Medicaid Coverage Outreach due to Public Health Emergency ending. April 15 ends then 3months leeway given, July 15 ends, coverage stops July 31st.
  7. Champion Children’s Awards
    1. Christa McAuliffe Museum/Date for Even
    2. Definition of award eligibility
  8. Needs Assessment UpdateWebsite Redesign Update
  9. Meeting dates for 2022
  10. Third Wednesday of the months in 2022
    1. May 18
    2. August 17
    3. November 16